Five held for selling fuel to US ship, police say

Written By Unknown on Minggu, 20 Oktober 2013 | 22.44

NEW DELHI: Police say they've arrested five fishermen for selling 1,500 liters (330 gallons) of diesel fuel to crew members of a US-owned ship who have been arrested on charges of illegally transporting weapons and ammunition in Indian waters.

Police officer M Durai said on Sunday that the five worked for a local shipping agent in Chennai. He did not give further details.

Foreign secretary Sujata Singh said eight crew members and 25 security guards aboard the MV Seaman Guard Ohio were arrested on Friday after they failed to produce documents allowing them to carry the weapons.

The ship, which was detained October 12, is owned by Virginia-based security company AdvanFort but is registered in Sierra Leone. AdvanFort denies the charges.

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Five held for selling fuel to US ship, police say

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