The party has contacted social activist R Balasubramaniam to contest the polls on its ticket, the AAP said but clarified that his candidature is not finalized. "We've asked him to consider contesting the Lok Sabha polls. He has not responded," the party's Mysore coordinator Vinod M S told reporters when asked whether Balasubramaniam will be their candidate. "He is actively involved in anti-corruption movement and led the agitation in Mysore when Gandhian Anna Hazare launched the movement. He set up India against Corruption to continue his struggle and is not actively involved in the AAP's affairs. But we've approached him to contest the polls," he said on Tuesday.
According to him, the party broached the issue with him a year back and requested him several times to contest the parliamentary polls on the AAP.
When contacted, Balasubramaniam said: "They have (AAP) asked me to contest the polls. I'm thinking about it seriously." The social activist is likely to make known his decision by January-end, after he returns from the US.
The AAP said it has discussed its plans with other persons who are involved in social service but declined to name them. The activists from Mysore have conveyed their decision to the national executive, which, Vinod said, is yet to give a green signal. Ahead of their contest, the AAP activists are seeking to enlist the support of Mysoreans, which holds the key to the results given that it forms 40 per cent of the voters in the eight constituencies in the parliamentary segment. It is seeking to gain a foothold in Hunsur, Madikeri, Periyapatna and Virajpet, all of which are in the Mysore parliamentary constituency.
This comes after the AAP's limited foray into electoral politics in Mysore. Ahead of polls to the Mysore City Corporation in February-March the AAP held voter education targeting corruption asking voters not to sell their votes.
Though the AAP desisted from contesting the polls, it made it a point to kick in their campaign. This came just weeks after the AAP's Political Affairs Committee member Yogendra Yadav inaugurated the party unit Mysore on January 9.
After the electoral success at Delhi, people are joining the party taking primary membership. The Mysore unit has 1,000 members, up by 400 in some three weeks. According to the party activists, they are approached by the youths in rural areas seeking membership.
The party is now extending its activities holding ward sahbas wherein they are pooling the civic complaints of local residents and working out strategies to address them. The party activist R Vidyaranya, a septuagenarian, said they held two ward sahbas in Hanumanthnagar (ward 45) and Bogadhi (ward 25). This will be a weekly affair now and we'll hold ward sabhas Sundays, he stated.
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