Narendra Modi will be in Madhya Pradesh for three to four days and on a whirlwind campaign addressing at least seven to eight public meetings throughout the state. "Modi's last minute public speeches will increase BJP votes by two to three per cent," a BJP national office-bearer told TOI on Friday morning. "All central leaders will campaign in Madhya Pradesh including LK Advani, Rajnath Singh, Sushma Swaraj, Arun Jaitley. But Modi has been kept for the very end, maybe five days before campaigning ends in the state."
Days before Modi's anointment as the party Prime Ministerial candidate, Chouhan held a meeting with top BJP leaders in the presence of veteran patriarch LK Advani in New Delhi and asked the nomination to be deferred till after the assembly polls in Madhya Pradesh. Chouhan argued that Modi's promotion could make the BJP's position difficult in 25 assembly constituencies with sizable Muslim population.
Shivraj and Modi have not been seeing eye-to-eye after veteran leader LK Advani supported the Madhya Pradesh chief minister as a "better performing administrator" during a workers meeting in Gwalior in June. Chouhan has made several attempts to showcase himself as a secular alternative to Modi by wearing the skull cap on Id-ul-Fitr this year, a gesture Modi refused during a 'sadbhavna fast' in September 2011.
During the Uttarakhand-Kedarnath floods calamity earlier, Modi landed with a fleet of boeing aircrafts and his entire administration and evacuated Gujarati pilgrims caught in the deluge. Chouhan landed later, but made it a point to help all and not just people from Madhya Pradesh. He commented on this over twitter about how his government did not discriminate between citizens.
Given an option, Chouhan would not want to share the credit of an electoral victory with Narendra Modi. But orders from the high-command are clear-cut. Public meetings to be addressed by Modi will be arranged to cover every division of the state - Bhopal, Jabalpur, Sagar, Indore, Rewa, Ujjain and Gwalior. In the larger divisions like Indore, Gwalior and Bhopal -- Modi might address more than one public meeting.
"Modi has his own national following. The calculation is that, after ten years of government there might be BJP voters in Madhya Pradesh who are annoyed with the present regime or the incumbent party MLA. But Modi's entry before the assembly elections will annul that. Voters will not sit at home to protest against the incumbent minister or MLA. Instead they will go to the polling stations and vote for the BJP," the senior BJP leader explained.
After several surveys, the BJP-RSS combine is certain that the large number of new voters' registering themselves at the Election Commission offices are actually Modi's following. "After Modi's campaign at lightening speed, we are certain the youth will throng polling stations," he added.
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